Roadtrip 2018 Fall: Vancouver - Yakima - Bend - Carson City - Lone Pine - Palm Desert - Sedona - Palm Desert - Paso Robles - Calistoga - Brookings - Yachats - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 47 - Cape Perpetua

The view out our oceanside windows.

Our side window view - towards the tiny town of Yachats.

Russ sets up for those ultra long exposures.

Our backyard picnic spot at the End of the Universe.

Ellie checks out The End of the Universe. Somehow, she thought it would have more restaurants.

Russ and Ella stroll innocently towards the magical wonders of Cape Perpetua.

The Lady of the Rocks came forth, her arms clad in shimmering samite, presenting me with Excalibur, thereby signifying, by divine providence, that I am to carry Excalibur. That is why I am your king.

The road to Confusion Corner is fraught with confusion.

Ella is starting to believe that this entire section of coast is full of strangely unexpected occurrences.

Russ' favourite use for trailside signage.

They are still watching. And They are becoming irritated.

Timing is a strange thing. We received the sad news this morning that my good friend Deb's Dad had passed away unexpectedly. We were here, at Cape Perpetua on the day we received the news in 2012 that Deb's sister had passed. Deb and her parents visited the Yachats area together, and loved it. They had hoped to make another journey. Today's photos are for Deb and her family. Especially for Dad - who had recently been speaking to Deb about getting back here. All our love to all of you.

The winding switchbacks lead to the Devil's Churn.

Such lush growth for some plants - while others will wait for re birth in the Spring.

It's now Ella Odd Sock who makes her marks in the sand.

The tide goes out far enough for a little beach time.

The low sun fills a channel between the rocky outcroppings with brilliant light.

The sun sets amid the tidepools.

Just pure light. It's fun to play with.

Ella bids farewell to Perpetua's wonders. She says she will be back.



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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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